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Force® 8 Half Face Mask with P3 PressToCheck™ Filters

Item Code: 202552831

Force® 8 Half Face Mask with P3 PressToCheck™ Filters

£25.49Ex VAT£30.59 Inc VAT
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A Force® 8 Twin Cartridge Half Mask fitted with P3 PressToCheck™ Filters and Typhoon™ valve offering superior low breathing resistance. This face mask is made from durable thermoplastic rubber to fit most face shapes and has a 4-point suspension harness with quick-release buckles. The Force® 8 Twin Cartridge Half Mask can be used with the full range of low profile Force® 8 filters providing filtering protection against particulates, gases and vapours. PressToCheck™ Filters allow you to instantly check that you have the correct seal. 


  • Conforms to EN 140 (half-mask) & EN 143 (filters)
  • Durable thermoplastic rubber mask for superior fit to most face shapes
  • Fully adjustable 4-point cradle suspension
  • Low resistance exhalation valve for easy breathing with stable mask configuration
  • Compatible with range of PressToCheck™ filters, which allow you to check your face fit each time you wear the mask
  • Replacing filters are more cost effective than using disposable masks
Product BrandJSP
MaterialThermoplastic Rubber
Width Metric (mm)110


  • CE
Data Sheets
Supplier Website https://www.jspsafety.com/
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