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More information about Fixings

If you're looking for fixings, we've got you covered with an extensive selection of products designed to help you get the job done. At Selco, we stock a huge range of fixings for every job type, whether you're looking for plasterboard fixings or wall plugs.

We know that finding the right fixings for your job can make or break a project, which is why we stock all the essentials you need for most trades. Many of our products are available as single items or in multipacks, allowing you to stock up your toolkit with the fixings you use most frequently.

From dowels and roof fixings, to bolts, nuts & washers, we've got it all. And in addition to traditional fixings, we also stock a variety of chemical fixings.

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There’s no need to wait for your trade card to turn up. Upload your proof of business, fill out your details, and we'll give you your trade card number then and there so you can buy online and in-branch straight away.