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Prominent existing buildings
& sites required!
to let or to purchase
Selco Builders Warehouse store graphic

Property Requirements

Selco Builders Warehouse is the leading self-select builders merchant with branches across England and Wales. We need some help finding new locations to provide our 15,000 strong product offer to more customers than ever before.

What’s our story?

Selco supply a massive range of building materials including doors, windows, insulation, roofing, heating, plumbing supplies, lighting, electrical products, kitchens, bathrooms and timber.

Branches also offer tool and plant hire, an in-branch café, trade counter services, direct-to-site delivery options and van size parking spaces, all designed to make it easier for tradespeople to get onto the job as soon as possible.

Our Requirements

We're looking for sites for the following features:

  • Prominent industrial / warehouse units
  • Buildings suitable for conversion
  • Ex-retail showrooms
  • Main road development sites
  • Trade centres

Key Sites Required

  • London within M25

    20,000 – 40,000 sq ft
    or 1-4 acre sites
  • Greater London & South East

    25,000 – 40,000 sq ft
    or 2-4 acre sites
  • Nationwide

    30,000 – 40,000 sq ft
    or 2-4 acre sites

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There’s no need to wait for your trade card to turn up. Upload your proof of business, fill out your details, and we'll give you your trade card number then and there so you can buy online and in-branch straight away.