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OB1 Multi-Surface Construction Sealant & Adhesive 290ml

OB1 Multi-Surface Construction Sealant & Adhesive 290ml

Prices from

£10.25Ex VAT£12.30 Inc VAT
OB1 Multi-Surface Construction Sealant & Adhesive for bonding and sealing metal, plastics, mirror, polystyrene, fibreglass and wood. This beige sealant and adhesive has a hybrid polymer formulation, which means it can be applied under water. It acts as a structural underwater bond in closed-face applications in swimming pools such as floor and wall tiles without the need to drain the pool. OB1 Multi-Surface Construction Sealant & Adhesive maintains a robust bond when cured from -40 to +120Callowing it to cope in harsh external weather conditions and in refrigeration environments.
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Supplier Website https://www.ob1original.com
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