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ACO RainDrain B 125 Channel with Cast Iron Heelguard Grating 1m

Item Code: 395600552

ACO RainDrain B 125 Channel with Cast Iron Heelguard Grating 1m
  • ACO RainDrain B 125 Channel with Cast Iron Heelguard Grating 1m
  • ACO RainDrain B 125 Channel with Cast Iron Heelguard Grating 1m

£44.08Ex VAT£52.90 Inc VAT
Click & CollectAvailable for collection
DeliveryFree delivery available (restrictions apply)
ACO Raindrain B 125 channel is suitable for driveways and small private car parks. Hardwearing, it is manufactured from Vienite ¾, ACO's high strength recycled polymer concrete material and cast iron on the Heelguard grating.


  • Manufactured from Vienite¾, ACO's high strength recycled polymer concrte material
  • Lightweight and easy to install
  • Suitable for driveways and small private car parks
  • Clip-locking grating for secure and simple installation
Product BrandAco
Load CapacityB 125
Thickness Metric (mm)97


  • System CE marked and fully certified to Load Class B 125 BS EN 1433:2002
Data Sheets
Supplier Website https://www.aco.co.uk
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