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RoofCell by Cure It Basecoat

RoofCell by Cure It Basecoat

Prices from

£77.15Ex VAT£92.58 Inc VAT
This RoofCell Basecoat is to be used as part of the RoofCell (by Cure It) GRP overlay system, which is suited to new projects as well as refurbishments. RoofCell is a next-generation GRP roofing system that features all of the benefits of GRP, with the added bonus of direct-lay application, meaning it can be used on existing surfaces, including felt, old GRP roofs, or concrete or asphalt substrate so long as it is in a good, dry condition. Once the existing surface is prepared and GRP edge trims have been applied, this RoofCell Basecoat can be applied with the Cure It Reinforcement Mat to form the laminate component of the GRP roofing. This polyester resin GRP Basecoat forms a flexible, non-porous seal. RoofCell Topcoat can then be applied to finish. For 10m² coverage, you will need 20kg of Roofcell Basecoat for use on rough felt roofs, or 30kg for use on smooth felt, asphalt, concrete, OSB and GRP roofs.

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