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Credit Account Management

Get a credit account today and get...

  • Pound Symbol


    Flexible credit limits starting at £1,500.

  • Time Symbol

    Interest-free credit

    Up to 60 days of interest-free credit.

  • Email symbol

    Email Invoices

    Invoices and statements emailed to you directly.

  • Credit Card Symbol

    Make payments

    Ability to pay by BACS, online, in store, or directly to credit control over the phone using your credit or debit card.

  • Basket Shopping Symbol


    Buy in branch or online immediately via Click & Collect or Courier Delivery and pay using credit.

  • Chart Symbol

    Track spending

    Track spending with monthly statements. View real-time figures for your limit and balance.

  • Calendar Symbol


    Pay off your balance in full every month.


Use the credit management service to make a card payment.

  • Bank: HSBC
  • Sort Code: 40-05-20
  • Account: 71762796

Payment reference: Please include your Selco customer number so we can allocate your payment to the correct account. You can find your customer number on your Selco card.

Make your cheque payable to ‘Selco Trade Centres Ltd’. Take your cheque to a branch or post it to:

  • Credit Control
  • Selco Builders Warehouse
  • Boundary House
  • 2 Wythall Green Way
  • Wythall
  • Birmingham
  • B47 6LW

To make a card payment over the phone, call our support centre on 01564 821000 between the hours of 7.45am – 5.15pm Monday to Friday and ask for Credit Control.

To make a cash or card payment in person, visit your local branch.

The most likely reason is your overdue credit balance wasn’t paid on time.

Pay the overdue credit balance using one of the methods listed under "Paying your credit balance."

If you pay in full by BACS, cheque, or card via Support Centre, then your credit account will automatically be unbarred when we receive your payment.

If you pay in-branch by cash, card or cheque, please ask the branch to call Credit Control at our support centre on 01564 821000. They’ll manually review your credit account.

Currently you can only make a payment against your credit balance.

Once your payment has processed, it will become available to spend on your credit account.

It can take a few minutes for your payment to be processed. If your balance is still incorrect 10 minutes after your payment was accepted, please call 01564 821000 and ask for Credit Control.

To unbar your credit account, call our support centre on 01564 821000 and ask for Credit Control between the hours of 7.45am – 5.15pm Monday to Friday.

Activate your online access today by visiting selcobw.com/registration. You’ll need your Selco trade card number and the postcode you registered with.

Get your trade card and buy online & in-branch today!

There’s no need to wait for your trade card to turn up. Upload your proof of business, fill out your details, and we'll give you your trade card number then and there so you can buy online and in-branch straight away.