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Conversion & Building Materials Calculator

Converting length, volume, weight or area measurements is tedious and frustrating when you’re hard at work on a job. Save time and money using our Conversion & Building Materials Calculator to estimate the amount of bricks, tiles or cement needed to finish the job.

Each of our conversion and materials calculator pages are packed full of useful tools and advice. Our concrete calculator tool instantly tells you how much cement, sand, gravel and water you’ll need to fill an area, while our conversion calculator tool quickly and easily carries out tricky, time-consuming conversions from a choice of more than 70 measurement units.

No more wasting time and money on over or underestimated materials - our building calculator will do it for you!

Once you know exactly what you need for the job, visit your local branch to find the materials you need, or save time by ordering everything you require online.

Please note: Our materials calculators are for guidance only and we cannot accept liability for the given quantities.

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